Thursday, March 23, 2006

To explain

"Tout casse, tout passe, tout lasse, excepté le souvenir*."

For the disinclined, here is a rough translation: Everything breaks, everything passes, everything wears out, except the memories.

In other words, my blog shalt outlivest all! ... Woohoo!!! (cue maniacal laughter. and cut.)

*souvenir n.m. <> : 1. memory n. (~ of a specific event) 2. recollection n. 3. remembrance n. 4. souvenir n. (objet)

1 comment:

MaidenFlight said...

so that's what the ps meant! haha. :) c'est vrai mon amie! c'est vrai, ca. alors, tu vais ecire tes aventures ici? :)